
Our Hygiene Safety Program™ for commercial clients is driven by a set of worldwide standards with an aim of protecting our clients’ reputation, credibility and customer trust. It’s based on an Integrated Pest Management method called S.T.O.P™ characterized by evaluating the setting, choosing the most effective solution fitting the situation and qualifying the client for ISO accreditation.
The S.T.O.P. ™ approach consists of 4 important steps that are continuous throughout the year for an optimal solution and minimized risk.

Starts by inspecting the setting, identifying the pest infestation, evaluating the environment for harborage origins and offering recommendations based on the findings.
Precise Inspection to locate any pest harborage roots in the facility, sanitation issues and pest activity.
Pest Identification to detect and report the type of pest infestation
Thorough Evaluation for the pest activity; its causes and environmental conditions

Based on the findings in the STUDY phase, a customized chemical and mechanical approach will be implemented in order to reach a long term solution.
Recommendation by a Hygiene Safety Officer to take corrective sanitation actions before commencing treatment will be essential for long run preventions; like closing harborage areas, entry points and cleaning activities.
SIAD treatment is based on Bayer Quality standards in order to safeguard the environment using safe and non-toxic solutions.

Using latest monitoring tools and expertise for guaranteeing our quality service
Monitoring the area and control points after treatment is part of our service evaluation. Continuous monitoring of the facility will ensure the effectiveness of our solution and the success of the long run prevention.

Your business needs to progress and can’t be hindered by any sudden future problems
After each post-treatment a detailed report will be filed and sent to the client covering all services, pest activity and recommendations.
Coordinating with the customer is essential for better control and long term prevention; in addition to helping the client applying to an ISO certification.

SIAD Pest Control protects your well-being by providing greater public health benefits based on improving living standards in a pleasant domestic environment.